#4KCBWDAY5 – and now for something completely different

And now for something completely different….

This was so much fun. I didn’t think it was going to be, but thank you Knitting And Crochet Blog Week (I still have difficulty saying that) for getting me out of my comfort zone and in front of a camera. This was actually quite scary, not to make, but uploading it for all of you to see (although I do take comfort that it probably won’t be found by anyone but other knitters who are mostly non-judgemental).

So say hi to me and my couch!!
My first ever vlog, where I find out just how often I say ‘pretty!’, that the train noise is actually pretty loud (I’m so used to it), and I really do have a short attention span.


31 thoughts on “#4KCBWDAY5 – and now for something completely different

  1. Your hair is even more awesome than I imagined.

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who demonstrates things by putting them on my head.

    1. Thank you! You’ve settled my nerves a bit.
      I always feel like writing is a bit more anonymous, but in that video I’ve really put myself out there for you all to pick apart.
      Thank goodness knitters tend to be friendly.

      1. Oh yes, I think you’re SO brave to star in your own vlog! It’s not easy to sit there ‘n talk to a blank-faced camera. We’re all here, though, and your personality makes it feel like we could easily be there 🙂 We sometimes pick apart our knitting, but knitters know the point is in the needles ❤

  2. Love the video, It’s wonderful to see your vibrant personality. 🙂
    And I absolutely adore that patchwork blanket! Awesome!!

      1. Thanks for the 10 stitch blanket tip. I am going to look that up. Looks like a good way to use up a stash of little bits of left over yarn.

      2. That definitely convinces me to try any pattern. lol It can take months to make a pattern and a couple of hours to sew it together, but that is the part I do not like.

  3. OMG that was awesome ! I love your projects (those teals stripes for your mother in law <3) , cushions, hair, accent, that huge blanket everything ! It's so brave to have done that video, I would have been so terrified, but you did so well ! It's really cool to get to know other knitters like that ! And my mum is exactly the same, she always shows happiness to receive my not very good home-made stuff !

  4. Yay for bravery! I knit on the couch too, even though we have a chair that was made for knitting in. Also, that needlecraft book looks ace and you may have given me a big incentive to take an iPad instead of a laptop when I go back to work next month!

  5. First, someday I want to have hair colored just like yours. Second, I am totally in awe of you for doing a vlog. I’m just not brave enough to sit in front of a camera. I know that I’d just natter on and really not say anything, plus I always sound like I have a cold (I hate my voice). Third, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who uses the back of the couch as an impromptu shelf. There are three of my in-progress knitting projects sitting on mine right now! Have a lovely day!

  6. Great video! Were the bird noises from outside or do you have birds living with you? It was delightful being able to hear and see you. I think I’ll hear your Aussie voice now when I read your posts. 🙂

  7. Super cute =] I love your hair. I’m going to have to play catch up next week; I hate that I’ve been sick and too busy to get posts in. Think I may try a video; yours is such fun!

  8. Bek, you’re a riot! I’m so glad that you posted this! (I’m thinking I should do a video post someday too). LOVE your hair! Why are all the fun people on the opposite side of the world? While I do love Canada, Australia looks more fun! 😉

Thanks for stopping by!